It was very early in the morning, still dark outside. I tiptoed downstairs and plugged in the Christmas tree. Pepper slept peaceably in her crate while I made tea.
By 6:30 am, she was rustling around and we began our morning routine: belly scratches and soft words, a trip outside, a crunchy breakfast. She got comfy in her favorite sunroom chair, and I settled in at the computer in the kitchen.
After a while, Pep came back to the kitchen and lay at my feet, looking up at me with her most soulful eyes. I petted her. “Yes, I love you,” I said.
She returned to her chair; I worked, she napped.
Some time later, Pep trotted to the kitchen and nosed my elbow. I petted her. “Yes, I love you,” I said.
She returned to her chair; she napped, I worked.
For the third time, during my second cup of tea, she came to the kitchen seeking belly scratches. “I love how you come to me when you need love,” I whispered, for all was still quiet in the house.
“It’s important to ask when you need love,” she replied.
* * *
“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you…” Matthew 7:7 (King James Version)
Tears. Heart overflowing.
Wonderful! Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Merry Christmas to you and yours as well, Linda! (And thank you -) xoxo
A grace note rising above the noise and clamor of Christmas. How perfectly beautiful. Merry Christmas, dearest Cousin.
Merry Christmas, dearest Christina! Much love – xoxo