Here’s a Bacon poem for the sadness of today. In time there will be a far better country song or novel. In the meanwhile, here’s this. I’ve been thinking about what we owe each other. And the journeys we’re on.
Things You Say To A Friend
I grew to like our mayor –
And I hate the way her story – for the moment – ends.
I cannot tell you what the better ending might have been.
I wish I were a friend who knew she traveled with a certain man. And when.
I hope I would have had the nerve to ask her – “Is this right for you and him?”
I wish I were an ally who knew she traveled with a certain man. And when.
I hope I would have looked her in the eye and said – “You’re playing with fire, and things cannot end well, and they will end.”
I wonder – if I worked for her – if I might have found the courage to ask – “Will this be worth it, in days to come, in darker days, perhaps, when now is then?”
I’m lonely
she might have said
I’m happy
she might have said
For the first time in a thousand years –
I’m living life –
For the first time in a thousand, thousand years –
In my own skin.
And then
We’d end up here today.
And yet she might have said –
Thank you, friend.
* * *
Into the woods
And down the dell,
The path is straight,
I know it well.
Into the woods,
And who can tell
What’s waiting on the journey?
Into the woods
To bring some bread
To Granny who
Is sick in bed.
Never can tell
What lies ahead.
For all that I know,
She’s already dead.
But into the woods,
Into the woods,
Into the woods
To Grandmother’s house
And home before dark.
Into the woods,
Without delay,
But careful not
To lose the way.
Into the woods,
Who knows what may
Be lurking on the journey?
Into the woods
To get the thing
That makes it worth
The journeying.
into the woods-
To see the King-
To sell the cow-
To make the potion-
To see-
To sell-
To get-
To bring-
To make-
To live-
To go to the Festival-!
Into the woods!
Into the woods!
Into the woods,
Then out of the woods,
And home before dark!
very good, Jennifer, and thought-FULL.
Thank you so much, my friend- xo
Thank you for that reflection. I am no where near this issue but it applies just the same to other situations that we all deal with with in our daily lives.
I’m so glad you think so! And thank you so much for being in touch – xo
Very well said! xoxo
Thank you, dear C – xoxo
Jennifer, we would all benefit from having a friend like you. Someone to challenge us when we risk burning our lives down to the ground without considering the consequences. Many of us have reduced parts of ourselves to ashes from time to time. For most of us, though, it fades into the memory bank’s dead letter file where most of our worst experiences generally land.
I really appreciate your kind words, Sylvia – and appreciate so much what you have to say – I’ve been thinking about how we need to take care of each other. xo
Well said, Jennifer.
Thank you, Jack – xo
Right back at you, Daphne! xo
It’s such a sad day, and yet I don’t know how it could have ended otherwise. I’ve been heartened by many of the comments of Nashvillians letting Megan know that they appreciated her service and support her as she moves forward. It’s easier to do that when we’re reminded of our own flawed humanity. Your commentary is an excellent reflection of that.
Thank you so much, Mary – I will go look those comments! I love hearing your perspective – always so thoughtful and considered. Xo
Thank you, Jennifer. Well written!
I’ve been so worked up about this situation… I’ve written several other things but always managed to keep them to myself. Finally decided to let one out. Thank you so much for kind words. I’m not sure it’s good but it’s something. Xo
We are mindful of the many who have suffered and are suffering a loss. May a large community of those who care for others help each other through sad times.
We must take care of each other. Thank you, Anne – xo
Jennifer, I am deeply moved by this offering that so resonates with the sadness I feel. I appreciate your way of not simply blaming and judging her, but instead inviting all of us to take responsibility for each other and to care for each other. We have lost touch with the wisdom that “it takes a village,” not just to raise a child but to be a human. I find that I can easily hold this space for someone I admired, respected and supported. But can I hold that same space for the national level politicians whose words, deeds and actions I strongly disagree with? It is hard to hold a space of non-judgment when we have a rigidly fixed viewpoint about someone or something. I find that the more I can lean in with curiosity and an open heart, the more I am able to find compassion for the human condition and all of the suffering we endure. I’m thinking of Brene Brown’s advice to “Dare Greatly.” How can I be brave and honest with myself and with those in my sphere of influence today?
I love everything about your comment, Mary. Thank you for sharing your gentle words of encouragement with us all. Curiosity and an open heart: yes. Not just for those we already agree with. Xo
Jennifer: You have offered a word of grace, tempered with the sadness and compassion that so many feel. Thanks, Jennifer, for a lovely word, and one that holds wisdom and warning for us all. You are brave to wade in with words that “speak the truth in love”, to borrow a phrase from Ephesians. It is never an easy thing to do.
Peace and Hope,
It means so much to me to hear from you, Todd – at this moment, on this topic. Thank you – xo
Thank you Jennifer. You offered compassion and empathy and also reminded us of our responsibilities as “true friends.” Brene Brown poses the question – Do you think everyone is doing the best they can? In most cases, yes, I do. In some capacity, our former mayor was lonely, unhappy, and searching for something. Hopefully, this is a tremendous (larger so being in the public eye – yikes!) learning experience and she will move forward with strength and clarification. I don’t condone her behavior, but I do believe most deserve a second chance.