I feel like I’m getting weirder in the Time of Corona. You? It’s a time for stranger things.

Yesterday my dog wouldn’t walk with me. She has grown accustomed to walking with my husband and me together, and she didn’t want him to stay behind. Really she HATED the idea of him staying at home. She and I made it about two houses down the road – unhappy the whole way – and then she dug in, looking back.

Well okay, Pepper. I’ll take you back and take my iphone on a walk instead.

This is what I saw…

The Walk of the Fire Hydrants

On the walk my dog wouldn’t go on, I saw fire hydrants in varying postures and positions with various attitudes and dispositions.

One stood straight beside a leaning tree,




one stood straight behind bars.



One stayed close to the news



while another trusted her own eyes, watching the world.



One found solace in a clinging vine,



one near a sheltering tree,



one embraced long experience,



another fortitude.



One really missed his friends while the other, so close, stood


alone, content.



One yelled,



while another whispered, and was also heard.


None wept – none, on my walk – but all had tears inside.

There are a lot of ways to be a fire hydrant in the world, to be ready to fight the fire.


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