It’s a lot to process, when your beloved father-in-law passes less than a week before your book launches. This is the situation Betsy Wills finds herself in.

A few nights ago, she was telling me how her husband and his brothers cared for their father in the last years of his life. They faced the difficulties together. They got on the same page and stayed there.

Her eyes and voice are soft. She admires her husband for this.

Tonight she’ll talk about her new book at Parnassus, in conversation with co-author Alex Ellison. Your Hidden Genius, it’s called, and it’s about identifying your talents and passions so you can best put them to use and enjoy them in this world.

Most of us want to be remembered for living a long and fruitful life. Even better, of course, is to live it. I can’t wait to learn what Betsy has to teach.

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Click here to read what Betsy has to say about her new book, in her own words.

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