You bring the coffee, I’ll bring the classic: today’s post is the first in an occasional series featuring vintage reads. Nichole Huseby begins the conversation with her lovely piece on The Optimist’s Daughter, by Eudora Welty, winner of the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1973. An interview with Nichole follows.
From Nichole: Eudora Welty might be a name overlooked in contemporary circles. Her work merits reintroduction, as her authorial voice offers ageless insight.
Eudora Welty lingers in a legendary category of writers that can gently cut your heart open and simultaneously induce audible laughter all within the same paragraph. With her opalescent Southern charisma, Welty beckons your presence into the pages of a bygone era. Within moments you find you have stepped inside a grand parlor brimming with guests and lifelong companions. She adorns the room with personalities that range from the righteously insane to the refined genteel. Irony is inescapable and intertwines its way through every nook, not merely within her stories but also within her personal world and life. To the untrained eye, Welty would have been dismissed as a spinster without enchantment, and yet in 1973, at the age of 63, she was awarded the coveted Pulitzer Prize for The Optimist’s Daughter. It is curious that even in most recent times this honor is rarely bestowed for a work with both a female narrative voice and also a female main character.
As the first chapter begins, Welty swings open the door for us to enter a doctor’s office. Laurel, the middle-aged daughter, stands by her distinguished 71-year-old father, Judge McKelva, and on his other side, is her new birdbrained stepmother, who is much closer in age to Laurel than her new husband. The three have arrived in New Orleans on the eve of Mardi Gras. They will spend most of their time inside the walls of the unvarying hospital room while outside the scintillating and unrestrained Carnival takes place. The reader stays at Laurel’s side while she navigates her father’s isolation and confinement. It is a labor of love for both the reader and Laurel, yet there awaits a recompense for devoted loyalty.
The Optimist’s Daughter does not offer the anticipated modern style of a brisk pace or fast action. The precision of the plot is fastidiously chiseled with vibrant nuisances from the query of repetitious minutes and how they ultimately leave an imprint upon our identity. Welty unpacks post-World War II Southern culture as conscientiously and industriously as someone who has collected Green Stamps presented for reward. The Optimist’s Daughter transports you to the landscapes of a West Virginia mountaintop ridge and to the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi waters that can heal a grieving and voiceless soul. Mantel clocks left unwound and open caskets confirm silence has no rest.
Simultaneously, Welty entrusts you as Laurel’s closest and singular confidant and you embark with her upon on a tempestuous and fulfilling journey. At times you wish to scream in Laurel’s defense as she endures both emotional and psychological torture, equally portioned out by her dearest of friends and greatest of enemies. Then as if in intentional rebellion, Welty breaks the code of Southern propriety, and you find you must cover your mouth with laughter when the outrageous emerges at the most unsuitable of times. Laurel’s circumstances encircle her like seasoned kindling, and Welty hands her a lit match to illuminate her memory. The past begs to be ignited, not to hold us enslaved to it, but instead to offer an understanding of who we are so that we may be set free.
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Hi Nichole! I understand that you grew up in Nashville but had a rather unusual childhood compared to many native Nashvillians…
I’d love to hear more about what you’re writing!
Gwen Solbreath never saw the accelerating car as she made the turn to go home. The forceful impact of the vehicles colliding ignited an irreversible current through two families for multiple generations. Beyond Simply is a Young Adult novel told from the perspectives of two teenage girls, Avelia Haviland and Thessa Wilker. Their internal crusades for purpose and survival summon them to tread upon the battlefields of the Tennessee State Penitentiary, Central State Hospital for the Insane, and First Presbyterian Church.
What it is about writing that brings you contentment?
Seemingly a contradiction, the subject of my fear and concern is directly linked to what brings me happiness and contentment. For me, as a writer, there is great fulfillment in the gift of breathing life into a fictional world in which I am intimately entwined with vista and villain. I can navigate catastrophe and triumph with the click of the delete and shift buttons. This creative joy can simultaneously breed momentary despair if I linger in the weary land of self-doubt for too long.
What challenges you about writing?
Writing challenges me, as so much of the labor is fought out and lived in introspective isolation and yet concurrently the reader exists as an observing audience in company with a cast of literary characters. A vulnerable trust is established between all three, with the collective venture to delicately unveil us all.
As I send this to you, I am presently tucked away in Belle Buckle, Tennessee. With the manuscript of my first novel now complete, I have set aside a few days to compose my query letters, with the hope of realizing a lifelong goal of becoming a published author.
Warmest wishes, Nichole, and thank you so much for today’s lovely meditation on The Optimist’s Daughter.
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The inspiration for this Bacon series is the “Coffee and Classics” series at the Nashville Symphony. Next up: Respighi’s Pines of Rome on February 10th. Come at 9:30, get a cup of coffee and something sweet, then settle in for the performance at 10 am. Click here for more information and to buy a ticket. On the program:
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Top image from Jenny Hall Art (print available for purchase).
Thanks, Nichole, for reminding me yet again how enjoyable it is to read Eudora Welty. Having not read that particular novel, I will get it today.
Libbey, Thank you for your kind comment! I am thrilled this classic will soon be in your possession. I at once fell in love with Welty when I read her short story, Why I Live at the P.O. I truly caught myself laughing out loud & bewitched by Stella-Rondo and Papa-Daddy. I hope The Optimist’s Daughter brings you enrichment & delight!
Such a cool post! I want to read the book!! Love ya mom ❤️
I’ve not read Eudora in many years and this post makes me want to revisit her work! Thank you, Nichole, for a review that brought out the author’s voice so clearly. I’ll look forward to reading your first novel as well! Perhaps it will be reviewed on this site alongside these other “greats”.
You have inspired me to read and reminded me how it transports us to fascinating places and times! I am ordering the book right this instant. And yes, you have an ethereal look, floating to social events that only a true southern belle can possess.