I ran into Monica McDougall at a party recently. “How are you? How are the kids?” I asked, expecting an enthusiastic response. “Normal,” she replied, with her lovely wry smile, a smile that conveyed the vagaries, hassles, worries, and aggravations of family…
Monica McDougall
Monica McDougall is just back from an Out West adventure: two weeks, two families, two RV’s, too much fun! (One painful, beautiful book – more on that later.) They saw the sights – Mount Rushmore, Old Faithful, the “World Famous Corn Palace”…
Regular Bacon contributor Monica McDougall (far left) recently spent “the most magical week” dove hunting in Argentina. Her husband and sons enjoyed the hunt, while she and daughter Ellie fell in love with the land and the people. Their happiest moments…
Nashville has everything these days! Everything! Except of course a beach. Noticeably missing. Monica McDougall and I just hate that. Monica enjoyed an idyllic childhood in the small coastal town of Fairhope, Alabama, and misses the water terribly. She spends…