When Pepper and I stepped outside one recent morning, we were greeted by a strong, unmistakable odor. l considered a hasty retreat, but Pep likes company when she is accomplishing morning tasks. She tried to track the intriguing scent for…
Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day was serious business when I was a kid. First there was the box decorated at school with construction paper hearts and white paper doilies: it needed to be flawless in both design and execution. Then each classmate needed…
I once told my husband not to worry about Valentine’s Day, back in the early years of our marriage. He had been sick, I think, and maybe in a demanding period at work. Ladies, do you think I meant for…
You can’t ignore it. Valentine’s Day is the 1000-pound gorilla in the drug store, the grocery store, the mall. It’s coming – and fast! I’ve personally gotten a headstart on the chocolates, seeing as I was at Godiva anyhow. I’m…
My dear friend Caroline Shockley and I were talking about Valentine’s Day. Caroline, you may know, is the mother of two very active boys who have kept her at the playground (initially), and later, pool, track, baseball field and basketball…