It’s not often that I read three books focusing on race in the span of a couple of months, and this was time well spent. I’ll describe all three, but if you just want the take-home (because April is a…
Harper Lee
4 Articles
Matt Osborne is likely the only person who bought Go Set A Watchman, by Harper Lee, and Dark Days: A Memoir, by Randy Blythe, on the same day. Randy Blythe is frontman for the metal band Lamb of God and…
Honestly, I’ve felt a little sad thinking about the release of Go Set a Watchman next Tuesday, July 14th. It seems hard to know if this book was ever meant for the world. But today’s first chapter published in the Wall Street…
Many long years ago, when we were dating, Gus and I often went to dinner at the Rathskellar with our married friends Matt and Mary Osborne. They were our model of good things in marriage: they were young, and had fun together,…