A1rBZedGc0LHonestly, I’ve felt a little sad thinking about the release of Go Set a Watchman next Tuesday, July 14th.  It seems hard to know if this book was ever meant for the world.  But today’s first chapter published in the Wall Street Journal has lifted my spirits!  Jean Louise Finch (Scout, all grown up) sparkles with life on the page and even enjoys a delicious kiss in the first chapter.  Here’s to good beginnings!


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unnamed-20At right:  Harper Lee with her friend Joy Brown and documentary filmmaker and author Mary McDonagh Murphy on June 30th at the Prop & Gavel restaurant in Monroeville, Alabama.  Lee is looking at an advance copy of Go Set a Watchman.  For more information on the PBS American Masters documentary on Harper Lee, including airing times, click here.   For Nashville Public Television times, click here.  You’ll need to set your DVR in Nashville.

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Matt Osborne wrote a post on “The Startling Return of Harper Lee” when the news of the book’s discovery was announced.  Be on the lookout for his review of Go Set a Watchman soon!  (No pressure, Matt…)




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