It started in the attic, where a fan shorted out. “It then caught the HVAC ductwork on fire and followed it like a fuse,” Matt texted. He and his wife Mary were visiting their older daughter in Atlanta at the…
Matt Osborne
I’ve seen a lot of kindness the last 6 days, after taking a spill with Daisy the puppy on the stairs while spending a weekend away. A surgeon in Nashville repaired the 3 broken bones in my left ankle, adding some shiny new…
Tonight’s fierce Saturday Night Special comes straight from the heart and soul of regular Bacon contributor Matt Osborne… Our Bacon editor is allowing a break in protocol while we all shelter in place. So, no books this time. Songs instead….
It’s been a week. Tornadoes in Tennessee and post-tornado suffering and love; Super Tuesday and the clarification of the Democratic primary; the dread-inducing novel coronavirus, giving novels everywhere a bad name. My friend Matt Osborne stops in today with a…
Today’s post is a back-to-school special. It’s for the lifelong learners among us. It’s for the lifelong fretters among us. It’s for the metalheads and the ladies with silver hair and the fake blondes (me) – for anyone who ever…
I take a lot of comfort in my yard, where the wildflowers and weeds bloom as cheerfully as the iris, where the peonies dream of storybook weddings and love.
I don’t feel great in the fearsome months of May and December – do you? (Speaking as a person who’s wound pretty tight already.) I’m grateful that mental health gets a lot more attention than it used to. Matt Osborne…
The Everly Brothers were not the first to croon about the power of dreams, but they did pretty much corner the market for a while. There’s a new kid in town – Matthew Walker – and Matt Osborne returns to…
Which literary characters have most enchanted you, taking up residence in your mind and heart? For me: Dorothy, Frodo, Laura and her family, Harry and Hermione (the two forever linked in my mind, I can take or leave Ron)….